PEGASUS Digital Radiography Solutions

Direct radiography provides immediate convertion of radiography intensity into digital image information. Exposure and image formation happen simultaneously allowing near real-time image capture, with the image available for review only seconds after the exposure.

The Pegasus digital radiography
solutions from GE Inspection
Technologies offer a complete
and unique product range in Film
Scanning, Computed Radiography
and Direct Radiography. GEs digital
solutions combine the expertise
in pioneering and developing
proven technologies that offer real,
tangible benefits for industries
from aerospace, power generation,
oil & gas, automotive to metals.

  • Rhythm TM Review Software
    The Rhythm suite of user-friendly software from GE
    Inspection Technologies offers advanced image review
    tools and data management for all X-ray inspection
    modalities, including Computed Radiography, Digital
    Radiography and Film Scanning. Its advanced data
    sharing capabilities allow significant improvements in
    productivity and enable faster identification of defect
    indications, leading to improved production quality
    and better in-service asset management. Using
    industry-standard, non-proprietary data transfer
    formats (DICONDE), Rhythm provides an elegant and
    cohesive solution to data management and sharing
    needs, while creating a stable platform for future NDT
    software capabilities.

  • DXR Real-time Panels
    When high-quality real-time imaging is required, the DXR real-time panels are the answer. 200-micron resolution and
    16-bit processing of 1024 x 1024 pixel imagery, provide outstanding image quality in a viewable streaming digital
    format. By eliminating common performance drawbacks of image intensifiers (including geometric distortion, blooming,
    and limited dynamic range) the GE panels easily allow subtle defect indications to be quickly and unambiguously
    identified. In addition, the panels provide all the high-end functions needed for challenging radiographic inspections,
    including frame averaging for better signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivity, and high-pass filtering to better accommodate
    large thickness differentials. Interactive adjustment of gray scale settings provides easy image adjustment without
    manipulating X-ray settings, allowing the operator to remain focused on the inspection screen at all times. The end
    result is a reduction in cycle time, providing real efficiency to the user. Both GE real-time panels are fully capable of
    capturing snapshots of interest, allowing for analysis and archiving with the Rhythm Software tools. A standard video
    output allows creation of a permanent record of the inspection. Short digital video clips can also be saved, allowing fullfidelity archiving of radiographic inspection results.

  • Comprehensive Support Services
    Designing the right solution at the right price can be
    a time-consuming task. GE will guide you through
    the process of product selection, system integration,
    financing, warranty and maintenance. Our consultants
    can assess application needs and optimize process
    workflow to maximize your return on investment. GE
    Inspection Technologies develops completely robotic,
    automated solutions, or our team of technicians can
    integrate digital solutions with existing generator sets
    and other system components. Unique maintenance
    contracts, financing options, and round-the-clock
    service options are all designed to best meet
    your requirements.

*DXR Solution- Film conversion for small parts
* Customer situation
An industry-leading aircraft engine facility needed to
improve productivity for their precision repair inspection
process. The complete GE solution comprised of
a high-resolution DXR500 panel, Rhythm imaging
software, X-ray equipment, and an integrated robotic
manipulator, allowed the customer to streamline their
process for significant benefits. Fast inspection times,
defect measurement and annotation, and improved
record retention and distribution reduced cycle time by
50%. The elimination of film and chemical use, and a
reduction of 1,300 man-hours provided additional
cost savings.
* DXR Solution- Film conversion for large parts
* Customer situation
A manufacturer of welded fabrications needed to minimize operator intervention, maximize cost reduction opportunities, and increase inspection
and rework effectiveness. GE engineered a complete system solution comprised of a high-resolution DXR500, Rhythm imaging software, a robotic defect marking system, an integrated part manipulator,
and connection to the customers wide area network. The reductions in inspection time, rework, and consumables resulted in an 80% improvement in cycle time and significant inspection cost savings.

* Type: Amorphous Silicon
Structured Cesium Iodide
* Optical coupling: Direct deposition
* Dynamic range: > 10000 : 1(static)
* Digital resolution: 14-bit,16-bit software